Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Light Up Your Home

Phew ! This month was quite hectic as i was celebrating my daughters first birthday.
I was away from the blogging world all this while.
Coming to my today's post, i simply love to chat about  this topic.read on........

When we say Home Decor,you can't go without mentioning candles.Candles are wonderful energizers.
Decorating with candles adds an inviting sense of warmth and luminosity to the interior spaces of your home. There’s something lovely and calming about the soft flicker of a candle flame. Candles are one of those basic items of decor that never seem to go out of style.
I simply love to fill my space with candles, and every time I see one I get one.
Working on a candle centerpiece is creatively fun, which I religiously do for every occasion. 

You can bring in some basic color therapy while choosing the candles. The warmer or cooler vibrations of the various colors will create a different feel to the room. Check out this color chart for the effect you desire.
  • Red: a warm stimulating color that encourages physical activity; it can also revive passion in the bedroom.
  • Orange: a creative color to enliven a room and bring in joy and enthusiasm
  • Cinnamon: a stable, grounding color that will harmonize a room.
  • Yellow: a mentally stimulating color that can help arouse lively conversations or increase concentration.
  • Green: a harmonizing color that brings balance, soothes the emotions, and offers security and protection.
  • Blue: a calm, cool color that engenders feelings of peace, particularly in the bedroom.
  • Purple: a soothing, intuitive, and psychic color, used for cleansing meditation rooms and bedrooms.
  • White: the color of purity; it gives protection and comfort.
  • Gold: the color of abundance and understanding.
  • Silver: the color of the moon; a balancing color that encourages change and learning.
Check out the pictures, they can help you display your candles to their best advantage.

Floating candles and flower arrangement.

wow!these pillar candles ,all that you need for such a look is an apt container. They just add up to the beauty.

Checkout the shapes

Aren't they Real Eye candies?
Come on ,you have to agree..........
I just pour the wax in to any container ,tea cups,mugs,ceramic bowls,tea pots,Terracotta pots ,planters what not!.Just try,you won't stop.
Image Courtesy:Google Images.


  1. hi swathi,

    ill definitely agree with u....they are real eye candies.Simple candles decorated beautifully.A single piece can light up the whole room.
    Good collection.

    Anu Venkat

  2. hey anu,I am glad you agreed and thanx for stopping by.
